VIDEO | He’s 65, she’s 12. What are people saying about this shocking age gap?
The Devastating Impact
According to UNICEF, there are reported to be more than 700 million women worldwide who were married as children, alarming figures that highlight the urgency of tackling child marriage.

These are not just numbers; behind these statistics lie the personal stories of millions of women who lost their dreams.

The girls are often forced to drop out of school, dooming them to a life of dependency, imbalance and limited freedom.

Early marriage leaves them vulnerable to health problems such as complications during pregnancy and inadequate access to health care, and also provides little support for growth and development both personally and professionally.

But what is most striking is how normal it has become in many communities for people to openly share their feelings and views and respect each other, regardless of differences in background, gender or religion.

In some cultures, it is even considered an essential step to take to improve the family’s well-being, solve economic problems, or raise the family’s social status.

For girls faced with this situation, it is a lifelong challenge that they will have to overcome and which will impact various aspects of their lives.

The Surprising Reality
It is easy to think that early marriage only occurs in developing countries, but it is important to realize that this problem continues in more developed countries as well.

But how would we as a society and individuals respond to such a harrowing event taking place in the beating heart of a global city like New York, on the iconic Times Square?

YouTuber Coby Persin conducted a social experiment in which he exposed the shocking reality of early marriages in a modern metropolis, an idea that may seem unusual at first glance, but which is exactly what he tapped into.

A Social Experiment
Coby Persin, known for his social experiments and online content, decided to show the shocking reality of early marriages in a new, impactful way.

“He organized a fake wedding between an innocent 12-year-old girl and a disturbing 65-year-old man, with himself being the photographer who captured their inappropriate and improper moments for their photos.”

The experiment took place in the bustling heart of Times Square, an iconic location in New York City that sees millions of people pass by every day, making it the perfect environment to test the campaign’s impact on a broad audience.

Persin’s message was not only meant to show a real marriage, but above all to make us reflect on the continued practice of sham marriages in even the most progressive societies.

The Reacting Mass
“People walked by silently, some glancing quickly while others let their gaze linger a little longer, but none of them said a word.”

The silence spoke volumes, we quickly got used to the unknown and after a while the atmosphere changed abruptly, making us realize that something big was about to happen.

As the experiment progressed and more people realized exactly what was happening, attention grew and the situation eventually escalated to a point where no one could escape the intensity of the moment.

People began asking questions and approaching the couple, with one woman indignantly asking, “Where is this girl’s mother? She’s way too young to be out on the streets unsupervised!”

Other bystanders reacted to the spectacle with amazement, expressions such as “This is extraordinary!”, “This can’t be true!” and “It seems improbable!” were uttered loudly.

The highlight of the event was when a courageous woman stepped in and literally saved the girl, refusing to allow the experiment to continue, despite it being only a practice exercise.

Like others, she demonstrated her powerful actions and courage when she saw opportunities to help children in need and make a positive impact on their lives.

Creating Consciousness
Coby Persin’s experiment emphasizes that awareness is the first step to progress, as most passers-by were likely unaware of the shocking reality of early marriage, especially when this problem hits so close to home.

When confronted with the results of these experiments, they could no longer ignore their impact. These types of experiments reveal hidden facts and inspire deep reflection on personal values and deeply held beliefs.

It demonstrates the importance of awareness, both on a global scale and within the local community, and emphasises the importance of ongoing education and engagement to bring about positive change.

Social experiments can show how deeply ingrained certain challenges are within society and how individuals take positive action when confronted with these challenges.

We can no longer ignore this problem, even if it is often far away. This video serves as a powerful reminder that we all have a responsibility to solve it.