She weighed 60 pounds – After a 5-year-long battle with anorexia this is what she looks like today
Many people battle eating disorders every day all across the world, despite efforts to accept ourselves at any size and more realistic-looking models in commercials.
A woman from Derbyshire who overcome anorexia has shared her story in the hope that it would help other people who are going through the same thing.
The heaviest Annie Windley ever was only 29kg or a little over four and a half stone. Due to her low weight, she was at risk of having a heart attack.

The 21-year-old Woolley Moor resident has battled anorexia for over five years, enduring numerous hospitalisations, medical therapy, and intensive care. On the other hand, Annie has used her love of running to help her recover and is in excellent form. I completed the Chesterfield Half Marathon in October of last year.
She stated, “I came to the delightful realization that rehabilitation is a breathtaking process that should be thrilling, unforgettable, and amazing.
I believe that my anorexia will always be a part of me, but I’ve learned to control it and stop thinking about food. “Changing for the better is never too late.”

The battle was incredible, and each day was marked by excruciating feelings and extraordinary bravery. I’ve put on three stones in the last four months, and I’m now at my heaviest since 2014.”
According to Annie, she had the epiphany that one’s behavior, how they treat others, and level of kindness count more than a person’s weight. These are the things that make a difference in life, she said.