She Got A Bill From Her MIL For ‘Raising Such A Wonderful Husband’ So Revenge Was Coming

There are times when we may have problems within the family and every family has its own dynamics. Sometimes, it can be between the husband and wife or a daughter and mother, but when the in-laws are involved, it is especially difficult.
Far too many families speak about problems with their in-laws, and it can be difficult. From their perspective, they spent all of that time raising their child, and now they want to continue to chip in and help but it isn’t always welcome.
Sometimes they really cross the line, and that is what happened in this story. The mother-in-law sent a bill to the daughter-in-law for raising such a wonderful husband, and now some revenge was brewing.
So, I’ve always had a rocky relationship with my mother-in-law, but what she did this time was totally uncalled for. I’m sure none of you have experienced something so absurd.
My MIL, Laura, is one of those people who thinks she’s always right. No matter the topic, she insists on sharing her opinion, even when she has absolutely no clue what she’s talking about.
Kitchen hacks? She’s going to give you a list of things you’ve never heard before.
Current affairs? Oh, she’s going to make you feel like you’ve been living under a rock.
Artificial intelligence? Scientific discoveries? That woman thinks she knows it all.
She also likes to believe she’s the best mother in the world. Laura has two sons, Edward and Michael. The younger one, Edward, is my husband.
Ask Edward about his mother, and he’ll give you five reasons why she’s far from being the best mother.