Revenge Stories When People Get Way Too Personal

Carlos, being the jerk he was, didn’t keep notes about his experiments… so he decided to steal our work and present it as his own.

Janice and I decided to take a professional approach in order to grind Carlos further into the dirt. I went up to Mrs. Adams and the representatives and asked them if they had gone through our binder when we were gone because the calculations and proof of work pages were missing.

Mrs. Adams was immediately suspicious as well, given Carlos’ behavior… and immediately walked over, took his binder off the table, flipped through it… and found the corrections page.

He had hastily scrawled in his name at the top next to ours so it looked like he was involved.

Mrs. Adams looked at him and said ‘Carlos, why did you take the pages?’

Carlos said, ‘They gave their work to me, remember?’

Fortunately, Janice and I included our copy of the signed contract from earlier saying Carlos had refused the use of our information in our binder and pulled it out.

At this point, Carlos looked like the kid who denied he had been eating cookies even though he had a ring of crumbs around his lips. ‘Well…they stole my double-checked work! See!’ He shows the proof of work our Dads had done.

‘I took it out and put it back.’

Then Janice looked at one of the men (who I learned later was the supervisor of the team both of our Dads were a part of) and said ‘Mr. Lionel, could you please check his proof of work?

Our Dads signed the back of ours.’

Mr. Lionel agreed and flipped the page over. Carlos didn’t notice that our Dads had signed the back of the proof of work and included their names. Mr. Lionel nodded. ‘I know those signatures anywhere,’ he said before looking at Carlos with a glare that could wilt a flower.

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