Revenge Stories When People Get Way Too Personal

The next day, Mrs. Adams pulled Carlos, Janice, and me aside and said, thanks to the glider incident, Carlos was now on his own and had to finish the project by himself.

Janice and I would be doing our own project.

Carlos was pretty happy about this ‘because those two slowed me down’. However, what Carlos was not thinking about was that since Janice and I were doing all the paperwork, we had all the information.

We offered to share our notes with him in an attempt to be fair…but he said ‘It’s all in my head and I don’t need it to slow me down. In fact, I bet I can do it even better!’ We all had to sign a contract that information was not exchanged and witnessed by Mrs. Adams.

The next two weeks were easily the best of TT for Janice and me. Since we had all of the notes, we were able to rebuild the glider in less than a week. Our Dads even set up a makeshift glider range for us to test and we spent an entire Saturday flying the gliders (one in red, the other in blue, which were the most popular colors according to our surveys).

As a result, we improved our glider and even made a game out of it, racing them. When Janice’s Dad mentioned the red and blue gliders reminded him of the Gemini Dueling Coaster at Cedar Point… we decided to name the toys after the coaster and make them a two for one.

We built the box for our gliders, got our calculations double-checked by not only Mrs. Adams but two independent adults as well. Both Dads (who were coworkers) signed off on the math, even adding their proof of work and signing the back (this is important for later), a presentation board with an overview, and a huge binder showing all of our work.

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