People Share Their Most Dynamic Stories Of Revenge

The nurse, being my bestest friend for obvious reasons seeing as I saw her at least every 2 days, as we were on block schedule had put two and two together, I was almost in her clinic for my second period of every second day and went to lunch like normal. She calls up my mother and the guidance counselor, and upon them both hearing the reason why they called the principal and vice-principal (my mother had become great friends with everyone in the office by this point).

This teacher had been bullying me so intensely that the thought of going to her class sent me into a panic attack that had, several times, sent me to the hospital in an ambulance. I was so terrified of going to her class that I threw myself down the stairs of the only two-story building in the school.

With my constant absences, despite having to let me do makeup work, she wouldn’t let me, and when she did, she refused to take it, claiming it was late despite being makeup work. (This is important.)

Having been very sick just a week before and having been gone for a week, my mother had gathered my late work and brought it home for me.

I did it while sniffling, sneezing, throwing up, and glued to the toilet. It took me another two days to return it. But for every day that you’re absent, you have two days to return it. I was gone for a week, so I had two weeks.

It was a few days after I had gotten back that the intervention above happened. Upon hearing I still had Mrs. M’s work in my bag, finally finished just the class period before, the principal decided I’m going to go give it to her…

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