People are seriously struggling to find engagement ring in photo and you’ll need eagle-eyes to see it
Another Perspective Entirely

Although some couldn’t find the lost engagement ring, and others could, some users had a different take on the image, finding other hidden objects as well.One person said: “No ring but I do see a snake, a toy army man, a socket and a baby moose.”They wrote: “Found it, but also something else that could be a tiny piece of jewellery, or something, or nothing,” questioned a second person.
Reddit Brain Teasers

Reddit has an entire SubReddit for people to trick one another. Here are a few optical illusions that don’t feature a lost engagement ring. Another optical illusion that is stumping people seems to be elusive and “shy” according to one Redditor. Although it appears to be an easy illusion to solve, the longer you look the harder it is to pinpoint the curve’s location.“The curves are hidden in the colouration of the buildings. they only pop off in your peripherals because you see less colour so the grey and green look more similar and you don’t see as much detail so the gaps aren’t noticeable,” one person helpfully pointed out.“I found it! It’s right th…. Wait a minute….There it is….there it isn’t. Oh that’s…..not it either. Oh nerts!” another jokingly shared.
Confusing Circles

One User Wrote: Once you see them, you can’t unsee them. “Brilliant! I easily stared at this for a minute before noticing how it worked.”However, another was unable to see the circles. “This is the second time I have seen this and I still cannot see them. Ugh,” they wrote.Meanwhile, the OP offered some advice. “Try looking in between the squares, where the vertical lines are,” KingBanana explained.
Optical illusions range in difficulty and the image of the lost engagement ring seems to confuse viewers. Unsurprisingly, it’s not the only optical illusion that has successfully stumped people. There’s a whole exciting world full of images that exercise and intrigue the mind.