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Patrick Swayze’s Widow Stayed Natural After His Death And Is Now Married To A Billionaire

One reason why their close relationship became a challenge was because of Patrick Swayze’s father and sister, who passed away tragically. Patrick had a struggle with alcoholism and it eventually led to a lot of strife in the marriage. Even through it all, she continued to encourage and support him until he was able to change his life.

It was in 2008 when it became known that Patrick Swayze was struggling with health problems, including cancer. His life was slowly going away from him, and he only managed to live another year and a half after the battle began.

His widow continued to avoid dating for five years after he died because she felt that he would be betrayed as a result of it. Eventually, she did come to the realization that Patrick wanted her to live a full life, even after he had died.

Lisa did have a relationship with billionaire Albert DePrisco and eventually, they became married. Lisa was 65 years old and now she was married again and living in Florida with her new husband. Although the sands of time continued to move in her life, she still has a level of natural beauty that is amazing to see.

Lisa is happy with her marriage and she cherishes the memory she has of her late husband as well. She will often share pictures of her and Patrick together on her blog, showcasing the happiness that they shared for so many years.

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