Naughty joke: A man is lying on the beach
“It’s usually in your glove compartment,” said the cop impatiently. After some more fumbling, she found the registration.
“I’ll be back in a minute.” said the cop and walked back to his car.
“Drop your pants”
The officer called dispatch to run a check on the woman’s license and registration.
After a few moments, the dispatcher said, “Ummm… is this woman driving a red sports car?”
“Yes.” replied the officer.
“Is she a drop-dead gorgeous blonde?” asked the dispatcher.
“Uh… yes.” replied the cop.
“Here’s what you do,” said the dispatcher. “Give her the stuff back, and drop your pants.”
“Ohh no…”
“What? I can’t do that. It’s… inappropriate.” exclaimed the cop.
“Trust me. Just do it.” insisted the dispatcher.
So the cop returns to the car, gives back the license and registration, then drops his pants, just as the dispatcher said.
The blonde looks down and sighs, “Ohh no… not another breathalyzer……”
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Bonus funny story 73: year old man thinks God turns the light on in the bathroom at night
Everybody sees the world differently. And when you have a strong faith, you’re bound to interpret situations in a way that others wouldn’t.
But when you add a bit of sleepiness to the mix, you start seeing some very strange – and hilarious – results. That’s just what happened to the old reverend in this story – and the last line had me in stitches!
Eric, a 73 year old retired reverend, is at his yearly health check-up. All tests came back looking good, and the doctor sits down to discuss the results with him.
“Well, Eric, physiologically everything looks good. How are you doing emotionally and mentally? Are you feeling happy, and how’s your faith these days?