
In 2024, Elon Musk predicted that ‘hundreds of millions’ of people would have his brain chips within 20 years—so be sure to hold him to it

“This marks another significant step towards providing a high-performance interface that will enhance the control of digital devices for people with quadriplegia to help restore their autonomy.

“We hope that in time, the Link helps many people create in their areas of interest and expertise, and we’re excited to work with more people to help them reconnect with their passions,” the company stated.


Elon Musk believes the recipients of the chips will outperform professional gamers within two years and will speed up human brains.

“Our slow output rate would diminish the link between humans and computers,” Musk said, and made a comparison with plants. “Let’s say you look at this plant or whatever, and hey, I’d really like to make that plant happy, but it’s not saying a lot.”

Musk’s near-term plans heavily focus on optimizing brain data transmission rates. “The low data rate of humans, especially our slow output rate, would diminish the link between humans and computers,” Musk explained, proposing to increase brain signal speed “by three, maybe six, or more orders of magnitude.”

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