
If The Deadly “Doomsday Glacier” Collapsed, It Would Have Severe Impact On The World

Dr Rob Larter, from the Science Co-ordination of the ITGC and a marine geophysicist at BAS, said: “Thwaites has been retreating for more than 80 years, accelerating considerably over the past 30 years.”

“And our findings indicate it is set to retreat further and faster.”

“There is a consensus that Thwaites Glacier retreat will accelerate sometime within the next century.”

“However, there is also concern that additional processes revealed by recent studies, which are not yet well enough studied to be incorporated into large-scale models, could cause retreat to accelerate sooner.”

Dr. Ted Scambos, US science co-ordinator of the ITGC and glaciologist at the University of Colorado, added: “It’s concerning that the latest computer models predict continuing ice loss that will accelerate through the 22nd century and could lead to a widespread collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet in the 23rd.

“Immediate and sustained climate intervention will have a positive effect, but a delayed one, particularly in moderating the delivery of warm, deep ocean water that is the main driver of retreat.”

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