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Fans Rejoice as Former Child Actress Amanda Bynes Is Seen ‘Thriving’ in Rare Art Show Appearance

Reactions on Facebook mirrored the positivity seen on Instagram, as fans praised Amanda’s progress. One comment read, “The best she’s looked in years. I hope she’s doing well [sic]!” Another added, “I think she looks beautiful and is doing the best she can despite everything she’s been through.”

Amanda Bynes is seen on September 13, 2024, in Los Angeles, California | Source: Getty Images

Amanda Bynes is seen on September 13, 2024, in Los Angeles, California | Source: Getty Images

Many expressed their admiration for her resilience and kind nature. A heartfelt comment declared, “She is the sweetest. She deserves nothing but kindness.”

In addition to her art show, Amanda shared a photo of herself holding a piece she described as her “Most special art piece!” The painting featured a cheerful pink star with bold black outlines and intricate detailing. The piece, much like her other works on display, reflected Amanda’s evolving artistic voice.

Amanda Bynes holding one of her art pieces, as seen on her Instagram Stories | Source: Instagram/amandaamandaamanda1986

Amanda Bynes holding one of her art pieces, as seen on her Instagram Stories | Source: Instagram/amandaamandaamanda1986

Amanda’s creative endeavors can be traced back to her time at the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising (FIDM) in California, where she graduated in 2019. Enrolling in the school in 2014, the “Love Wrecked” alum found a new calling in fashion after stepping away from acting.

Amanda Bynes is seen at LAX on October 10, 2014, in Los Angeles, California | Source: Getty Images

Amanda Bynes is seen at LAX on October 10, 2014, in Los Angeles, California | Source: Getty Images

During her time at FIDM, instructors praised her work ethic and talent. Kathi Gilbert, assistant dean of admissions, once shared, “Instructors love her. Professors have said they ‘wished all of their students could be like her.’ She’s smart, she participates in class — she’s an amazing student.”

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