Discover the Tactics a Narcissist Uses to Appear Virtuous.
A Careful Process
For a narcissist, choosing a target is not a random decision, but a carefully calculated step. They often select someone with qualities such as empathy, forgiveness and kindness, because that person is more susceptible to manipulation and lies.

The person is unaware of the narcissist’s true intentions and will not immediately become suspicious because of their tendency to see the best in people.

The narcissist is aware of this and uses these traits manipulatively to increase control and power over the victim and entangle them in his web of abuse.

The selection process can take days to months, during which the narcissist closely observes his future mate and carefully plans his approach to effectively approach his prey.

“He tries to come across carefully and deliberately, to make others believe he is a wonderful, loving person. Unfortunately, it is only too late that people realize it was all just a facade.”

A Strategic Mask
The narcissist is effective because he presents his actions as purely coincidental, making it seem as if everything happens spontaneously. He creates the illusion that nothing is planned and everything happens naturally, while secretly he carefully orchestrates everything to serve his own agenda.

This creates trust and comfort in the other person, who sees the narcissist as authentic and spontaneous, while the reality is very different and they will ultimately be disappointed.

The narcissist carefully plans every move to gain his friend’s trust and isolate him or her from other influences so that he can exercise complete control.

The other person often mistakenly thinks that he or she has simply been unlucky, or that the narcissist is really a good person who makes mistakes from time to time, just like everyone else, when in reality the narcissist is manipulative and emotionally abusive without any sense of guilt or remorse.

In reality, everything is meticulously thought out and strategically planned by the narcissist, who masterfully hides his true intentions behind masks that he seamlessly changes depending on the context.

The Two Face Roles
However, he can also quickly turn into a manipulative and selfish personality when in private situations, showing his true colors and harming those around him without any sense of guilt.

He is friendly and helpful in public, but can be a different person at home.

He may lecture, manipulate, or even emotionally hurt his friend, and it is precisely this duplicity that makes him so difficult for outsiders to understand, often making it difficult for them to discern his true intentions and feelings, and to see him as an impenetrable puzzle that seems difficult to unravel.

This is very confusing for his friend, as it is difficult to understand how the same person who seems so sweet and attentive in public can show a completely different side of himself in private and how this contradiction affects his relationship with that person.

The contradiction in the narcissist’s behavior constantly confuses his friend, making it difficult for him to convince others, as the narcissist has created a perfect image.

Preventing Confrontation
A narcissist is very manipulative and knows exactly how to control his friend by exploiting weaknesses and insecurities. He manipulates and dominates his friend to influence him.

The friend often feels afraid to contradict or take the narcissist’s side, for fear of possible consequences. The narcissist uses emotional tactics to keep his friend constantly feeling guilty or worried.

The narcissist manipulates his forgiving friend by using his concerns about what others think of him to maintain control.

The narcissist forces his friend to remain silent about the wrongdoings, hoping that others will notice that something is wrong. However, this hope is usually in vain, because the narcissist manages to maintain his image perfectly.

A narcissist can charm anyone with his great weapon, charm, to win people over and gain their trust, making them easy to manipulate and control.

When people come near him, they seem to be automatically captivated by his charisma, but it is just a mask to manipulate people.

The charm of a narcissist is so overwhelming and manipulative that even cautious and level-headed people are unconsciously drawn to him and seduced by his deceptive charisma.

He knows how to give the right impression and people begin to believe that he genuinely cares about others and has a deep moral sense that sets him apart from others.

His charm fades as soon as he gets his way and his true manipulative and selfish nature becomes more and more apparent.

The Manipulative Power
The narcissist is so effective because he can play both the good guy and the victim, allowing him to use manipulative tactics to deceive others and meet his own needs without guilt.

When confronted about his behavior, he quickly shifts to the role of victim and knows exactly how to convince others that he deserves compassion. He shirks responsibility and diverts attention from his own mistakes, while it is actually his friend who is being wronged.

This tactic protects the real perpetrator by creating compassion and sympathy, making it more difficult to uncover his true intentions and actions and hold him accountable.

By portraying himself as a victim, the narcissist denies responsibility and creates a complex situation for his friend.

It is a clever strategy that ensures that the narcissist always makes a good impression and is in the positive spotlight.

a Web of Untruths
The narcissist manipulates the truth with half-truths and false stories to justify his behavior and mislead others.

He keeps his friends confused and unaware of what is really happening by spreading lies.

The friend is often confused by the narcissist’s manipulative tactics, making it increasingly difficult to distinguish between the truth and the lies being spread.

“He manipulates his friend’s emotions so well that he loses his grip on reality.”

Narcissistic strategies can have damaging effects on long-term mental well-being and emotional stability, eroding self-confidence and making it difficult to form healthy relationships in the future.

- Narcissists choose empathetic and forgiving people as victims because they are vulnerable to manipulation.
- Narcissists make events and encounters seem coincidental, but everything is carefully planned.
- Narcissists are charming and helpful in public, but manipulative and controlling in private.
- Their charm seduces people.
- Often become victims to avoid responsibility and gain sympathy.
- “Narcissists lie to manipulate friends.”
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