
Dentist explains the two common mistakes people make while brushing that turn your teeth yellow

Dr Ferakh Hamid has come out to tell you what you’re doing wrong

If you’re tired of your chompers losing their whiteness, a dentist has revealed the common mistakes you’re making when taking care of your oral health.

There’s nothing more discouraging than discolored, yellow teeth.

They say that a smile could light up a room, and it’s often the first thing people will notice about you, and if your teeth are subpar, there could be a few things you’re doing wrong.

Dr Ferakh Hamid, a dentist in the UK with more than 20 years of experience, has come out to plead with people around the world and urge them to take care of their teeth by doing a couple of different things in the morning and evening.

Dr Ferakh Hamid has come out to tell you what you're doing wrong (aesthetique.me.uk)Dr Ferakh Hamid has come out to tell you what you're doing wrong (aesthetique.me.uk)

Dr Ferakh Hamid has come out to tell you what you’re doing wrong (aesthetique.me.uk)

While you could simply fix your teeth by going to the dentist and getting them professionally whitened, tackling the issue without chemicals might be the cheapest and easiest thing you can try to do first.

According to the expert, you’re not preparing your toothbrush correctly in order to brush properly.

Now, you might be thinking that there’s only one way to prepare your tooth brush…but that’s not true.

Raise your hand if you go in dry before applying toothpaste?

See? People have been doing it wrong.

According to Dr Hamid, you need to be wetting it correctly and with enough lubricant, as if you apply toothpaste straight to your teeth and there’s no water, it’s going to stain your teeth.

This is actually a leading cause of stained teeth, which is insane.

He also warned that if you brush your teeth too soon after eating or drinking acidic foods, it’s going to make them yellow too.

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