
Cryonic preservation: 50 years later

It was determined that the body was preserved nicely. His nose and mouth smelled like blood and his face looked younger than his 73 years. Areas of skin on his chest and neck were discolored and his corneas were the chalky white of ice.

Dr. James Hiram Bedford/ Wikimedia Commons

Then, technicians wrapped Bedford in a new sleeping bag and immersed his body in liquid nitrogen to wait.

Today, over 50 years after the promised time to wake Bredford, he’s still just a “mummy.”

According to Robert Nelson, one of three scientist who performed the cryonic preservation, Bredford’s last words were: “I want you to understand that I did not do this with the thought that I would be revived. I did this in the hope that one day my descendants will benefit from this wonderful scientific solution.”

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