Cat Lost In Yellowstone Travels 800+ Miles And Is Home Again

Cat Lost In Yellowstone Travels 800+ Miles And Is Home Again

Ask anyone who has a cat and they will tell you that felines can do some amazing things. They constantly surprise us with their intelligence, but one cat took things to an entirely different level. When Benny and Susanne Anguiano went on a camping trip to Yellowstone, they took their cats along. On this particular…

Rare Pictures Of Hachiko Waiting For His Owner Have Surfaced
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Rare Pictures Of Hachiko Waiting For His Owner Have Surfaced

There may be many different things that we appreciate about dogs, but I think all of us could agree that something they all have in common is their loyalty. They are there for us through thick and thin and even if we are having our worst day, they will sit faithfully by our side. Hachiko…

Ellen DeGeneres Goes Public With Her ‘Secret’ Triple Diagnosis

Ellen DeGeneres Goes Public With Her ‘Secret’ Triple Diagnosis

We have certainly heard our fair share about Ellen DeGeneres in recent years. From her popularity pre-pandemic with her talk show to her downfall, she has been through the wringer. Now that Ellen has gone back to comedy and has a popular show on Netflix, she has some news to share. The 66-year-old comedian opened…

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