Off-Duty Pregnant Firefighter Saves Crash Victim Then Gives Birth

When many of us think about everyday heroes, our thoughts first go to first responders. Firefighters, paramedics, and policeman are out there every day and they have the opportunity to be heroes regularly. Sometimes, even a first responder will go above and beyond and that is what Meghan Warfield did. The 30-year-old firefighter from Maryland…

Riley Keough Claims Mother, Lisa Marie Presley Died Of A ‘Broken Heart’ After Losing Her Son

Riley Keough Claims Mother, Lisa Marie Presley Died Of A ‘Broken Heart’ After Losing Her Son

It’s hard to believe that it has been almost 2 years since Lisa Marie Presley passed away. She was 53 years old at the time, and it shocked many. Now that some time has passed, Lisa Marie Presley’s daughter, Riley Keough is speaking out about her cause of death. She said that she grieved the…

She Grew Up Through 13 Divorces Yet Still Became An Inspirational Star

She Grew Up Through 13 Divorces Yet Still Became An Inspirational Star

Hollywood couples are known for finding themselves in trouble. Many of us will start wondering how long the marriage is going to last while they are still standing at the altar. It isn’t the fact that they are different than anyone else, it’s just that there is a lot of pressure placed on them because…

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