When Flat Tires Get Flat Replies!
Daughter: Dad, my tire is flat! Dad: Can’t you call your husband? Daughter: I did, but he didn’t pick up. Dad: Do you have a spare? Daughter: He didn’t pick up either. Share this post:
Daughter: Dad, my tire is flat! Dad: Can’t you call your husband? Daughter: I did, but he didn’t pick up. Dad: Do you have a spare? Daughter: He didn’t pick up either. Share this post:
I’ve always had a little bit of a phobia of snakes, but I’m lucky to live where there aren’t many dangerous ones. However, I figure these species to be truly fascinating, and whenever I often go into their world of most dangerous reptiles, there is a mixing between anxiety and curiosity. The Gaboon Viper is…
An old woman gives the bus driver some peanuts, and he happily eats them. Every few minutes, she gives him another handful of peanuts. Driver: “Why don’t you eat them yourself?” Old lady: “I can’t chew because I don’t have any teeth.” Driver: “Then why do you buy peanuts?” Old lady: “I just love the…
The majority of people are aware that adulthood is more complicated than it may appear to children. Youngsters may observe things like a refrigerator full of food, a comfortable home, and unrestricted internet, but they frequently lack an understanding of the effort required to achieve those things. To teach her disrespectful son that “nothing comes…
Making a “X” in a lemon and storing it on your nightstand can save your life. Lemon is the one citrus fruit that should never be lacking from your kitchen due to its wealth of beneficial characteristics. Have you ever wondered why a salted lemon is frequently placed beside a bed? Consider some of these…
Most of us always keep some paper towels in the kitchen for cleaning and wiping up spills. But did you know they can also work wonders in the fridge? It might seem strange, but using paper towels in your fridge can help keep produce fresh for longer. Reader’s Digest says that putting paper towels in…
A man comes home from work at 7:30 pm with his best friend for dinner without telling his wife first. His wife gets really upset, while his friend just sits quietly. Wife: “I’m not ready! My hair and makeup are a mess, the house is dirty, the dishes aren’t done, I’m still in my pajamas,…
Here are three stories where children betrayed their parents, flipping the usual narrative. In one case, a mother’s son chose to support his wife, even though she repeatedly ignored a clear boundary set by his parent. While stories of parents mistreating their children or daughters-in-law are common, these examples show the opposite. For instance, one…
A pastor went to the dentist to get false teeth. The first Sunday after he got them, he preached for just eight minutes. The next Sunday, he preached for 10 minutes. But the Sunday after that, he kept preaching for almost three hours, until the congregation noticed and helped him sit down because he couldn’t…
If you’re anything like me, you probably wind up with more food than you can possibly consume. It’s not like I plan it, but I always wind up eating out more than I anticipated. The worst part is tossing out food that was perfectly good only a few days earlier. But these days, I’m striving…