After My Daughter’s Funeral, I Returned Home to Find a Tent in My Backyard
The memory of Lily was deeply moving and difficult to put into words. When Ashley got home, all she wanted to do was hide in her feelings.

But something stopped her. She saw something mysterious in the garden that would change her life: an impressive circus tent.

The bright colours stood out against the calm background, red and yellow stripes fluttering defiantly in the wind.

Ashley stood frozen in her living room, overwhelmed.
Why was there a circus tent in her garden? She carefully walked outside, each step seemed to take forever.

She tried to convince herself it was all a dream because of her intense feelings, but the tent was real.

The Unexpected Discovery
Not knowing what to expect, Ashley opened the tent flap and found something surprising.

“Inside the tent lay a small bundle on a bed of blankets and Ashley felt a shiver run down her spine.”

She felt uncertainty as she thought about a moment when she let go of her daughter.

Before her uncertainty set in, she saw the bundle move.

She sank to her knees and watched as a small dog crawled out, a puppy, a golden retriever with big, innocent eyes and a happily wagging tail.

The sky seemed lighter, but Ashley didn’t know what to make of the abandoned puppy.

As she petted the puppy, she felt something under the blanket: an envelope with her name on it, written in Lily’s handwriting.

With trembling hands, she carefully opened the envelope that would determine her fate and began to read the note with bated breath, full of nervousness and fear.

Lily’s Last Gift
Ashley carefully read the note from her beautiful daughter Lily as the clock ticked and the seconds seemed to slow down, making time seem to stand still.

Lily wrote that she wanted to give her mother something to make her happy even now that she was leaving, in her childish handwriting.

She had asked her father to get an adorable puppy named Daisy, so that Ashley would not be alone during difficult times and the puppy would give her a reason to smile and provide comfort.

Ashley couldn’t help but cry when she read her daughter’s note, it was so moving.

Even in the last moments of her life, as she lay on her deathbed, Lily could not help but think about how she could continue to care for her mother. This gesture of pure love showed that she would never lose sight of her mother, even after her own death.

Daisy, the puppy, felt Ashley’s emotions intensely and came to lie lovingly against her. With her soft fur comfortingly sliding over Ashley’s skin and her wagging tail happily moving back and forth, she brought a sense of warmth and security to Ashley that she had not felt in weeks.

She knew that the feeling of pain and sadness would not go away anytime soon, but at that moment she felt a small spark of hope that gave her the strength to keep going.

The First Days
The days that followed were still challenging with Lily’s memory as a constant companion, but thanks to Daisy, Ashley didn’t feel so lonely anymore.

The puppy, named Daisy, brought an unexpected joy to the house that Ashley had not expected. Previously, there was a silence and emptiness in the rooms, but now these spaces were filled with the cheerful and playful energetic character of the adorable puppy.

She reminded Ashley that despite all the challenges they faced, life went on and they would always have the strength to overcome these obstacles and emerge stronger.

“Daisy symbolized Lily’s love for Ashley, every morning she stood by his bed to greet him and gave him a reason to keep going.”

Despite the memory of Lily, Ashley also felt a newfound strength and energy, allowing her to look forward to the future with renewed motivation and determination.

The adorable puppy brought her back to the present moment and reminded her that even though Lily was no longer physically present, she would always live on in her heart, with her memories and the love she shared.