A note left by a mother on her son’s “disrespectful” door has gone viral on the internet

Johnson outlined the requirements Aaron would have to meet in her letter, including covering utilities and rent. In addition, she wanted him to assist with routine housecleaning and prepare his own meals. “Love, Mom,” Johnson signed the letter.

Johnson, who lives in Venice, Italy, revealed that Aaron hurled the letter on the floor, crumpled it up and rushed out of his flat when he spotted it attached to his door. Johnson believed that he simply needed some time to reflect, so she began removing certain items from his room during that period.


Aaron asked his mother what he might do to begin regaining his privileges after he had had some time to reflect. Enquiring as to how he could regain them, he even collected additional items from his room and gave them to her.

Johnson clarified that the goal was to teach him to appreciate the value of goods, not to force him to repay her. Aaron soon discovered that he was unable to pay for food, utilities, or rent on his own.

Her strategy was endorsed by online commenters, who commended her for her innovative discipline technique. Someone said, “Excellent work! The arrangement will teach him a lesson he will never forget, but it is not severe. “You’re an amazing mum for giving your son a chance to learn and grow,” another person commented. “Congratulations for being a parent and not just a maid,” a third commenter wrote.

She was accused by some of embarrassing her son in public. Johnson replied in a follow-up post that she was “not ashamed” of her actions. She clarified, “A teenager will push their limits.” They are in a phase where they are transitioning into adulthood while maintaining their childhood roots.

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