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Patrick Swayze’s Widow Stayed Natural After His Death And Is Now Married To A Billionaire

Patrick Swayze was somewhat of an anomaly as far as Hollywood husbands are concerned. Over his lifetime, he was devoted to his only wife and she continued to be his bride until the day that he passed away. That happened 12 years ago when he was 58 years old.

There is a considerable and memorable love story between Patrick Swayze and his wife, Lisa. It’s amazing to think that they were married for 34 years and you could still see the love sparkling in their eyes for each other.

Swayze was in his early 20s when he met Lisa in the late 1970s. Lisa was 15 years old when she enrolled at a ballet school and although she didn’t fall head over heels in love for him, that set her apart from the other girls. It wasn’t long before he was all in.

When Lisa eventually decided to give romance a shot, it wasn’t long before their relationship started to grow. Swayze exchanged vows with her in 1975 and even though they never had their own children, they did lose a child together and battled through that grief.

Lisa and Patrick had a bond that was incredible to see and even their acquaintances spoke about the relationship they had with each other. Even when something would come up that would put a personal roadblock up in their relationship, it would only serve to strengthen it.

They had a number of things in common, including a love of dancing and that helped with their connection as husband and wife. Because they had so many common interests together, they built a friendship and they even started their own business together.

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