
3-Year-Old Boy Is Rescued By Police Dog After Getting Lost In Corn Maze

According to the manager of the Orchard that runs the corn maze: “They were in the corn maze and she said she had looked away for a minute filming and when she turned back, he was gone that quick.”

She went on to say: “That dog was so happy when he came out. He knew he did what he was supposed to. He was happy as could be. And I did ask them how, when that dog went in there, knew not to attack because when I watch Cops on TV, those dogs attack all the time”

It seems as if the K-9 dog is trained to handle those situations appropriately. The handler said: “He is a bite dog.

“Is he going to bite every single time? Probably not. It’s a very rare occurrence that he needs to bite and he only knows that when I give him a command.”

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